Power Apps Ideas

Use Power Apps Ideas to generate Power Fx formulas

Picture this: You have a Power App gallery which contains employee name text data using Power Fx formula ThisItem.Name:

Power Apps gallery containing employee names

Next, you want to change the text format from “Peter Gibbons” to, say, “Gibbons, Peter”.

However, you’re not (yet) a Power Fx guru. What can you do???

Well, a feature which I’ve found useful is Power Apps Ideas which allows you to transform examples to Power Fx formulas by using the power of AI models.

In this article, I will show you how to how to use Power Apps Ideas. This is how it works:

  1. In your gallery, select a text control:

Power Apps gallery with an employee name selected

  1. Go to the properties pane Ideas tab:

Power Apps properties pane Ideas tab

  1. Change the text to the format you want. In this case, I’ll change the text from “Peter Gibbons” to “Gibbons, Peter”:

Power Apps properties pane Ideas tab with employee name new format entered

  1. Click the “Get ideas” button to generate the Power Fx formula:

Power Apps properties pane Ideas tab with new formula generated

  1. Click the “Apply” button to apply the Power Fx formula to the text control:

Power Apps properties pane Ideas tab with new formula generated and Apply button highlighted

  1. Check the gallery to ensure the effect is what you expect!

Power Apps gallery containing employee names with new format

Here are some examples generated by Power Apps Ideas:

Power Fx FormulaExample
ThisItem.NamePeter Gibbons
Last(Split(ThisItem.Name, " ")).Result & ", " & First(Split(ThisItem.Name, " ")).ResultGibbons, Peter
Left(ThisItem.Name, 1) & ". " & Last(Split(ThisItem.Name, " ")).ResultP. Gibbons
First(Split(ThisItem.Name, " ")).ResultPeter
Last(Split(ThisItem.Name, " ")).ResultGibbons

Also, if you select a control and get the following message, click the “Learn more” link for more info.

Power Apps properties pane Ideas tab showing there aren’t any ideas available

Power Apps Ideas reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/power-apps/maker/canvas-apps/power-apps-ideas

If this has been useful, feel free to share with others. Thanks for stopping by! 😊